Scope of Work – ECSA
Date: 30 June 2020 THE SCOPE OF WORK FOR CATEGORIES OF REGISTRATION FOR THE PROFESSIONS REGULATED BY THE ENGINEERING COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA AMBIT OF THE SCOPE OF WORK In the context of this process, scope means “the range of work performed by a registered…
Explanatory Note On IDOW
1. Purpose The purpose of the note is to explain the regulation of the built environment professions, with reference to certain regulatory mechanisms and to place the identification of the scope of work for each category of registration in perspective. The note explains that the…
Identification of Work (IDoW) Update
Date: 30 September 2019 The approach being followed with the IDoW process moving forward. The CBE is following its statutory mandate to, after consultation with the CC and in consultation with the councils for the professions, identify the scope of work for each category of…
Identification of Work (IDoW) – SACLAP
Date: 19 August 2019 The Scope of Work for Categories of Registration of the Landscape Architectural Profession The CBE Act impels the CBE to, after consultation with the Competition Commission (CC) and in consultation with the Councils for the Built Environment Professions (CBEP), identify the…
Identification Of Work (IDoW) – SACQSP
Date Published: 23 July 2019 Preamble to the publication of the Scope of Work for Categories of Registration of the Quantity Surveying Profession The CBE Act impels the CBE to, after consultation with the Competition Commission (CC) and in consultation with the Councils for the…
Identification Of Work (IDoW) – Update
Date: 29 March 2019 Two previous updates (on28 September and 14 December 2018)alluded to a new approach to identification of work, further engagement with the Competition Commission (CC) and the regulation of the built environment professions. These matters are still relevant and are receiving ongoing…
Identification Of Work (IDoW) – Update
Date: 28 September 2018 CBE is impelled by section 21(2) of The Council for the Built Environment Act, 43 of 2000 (the CBE Act) to identify the scope of work for each category of registered persons. The process is referred to as the identification of…
Update on IDoW
Legislation enabling the Council for the Built Environment (CBE) and the six councils for the built environment professions (the CBEP) requires a process by which work only to be performed by a person registered in the appropriate category, be identified. This process is referred to…
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