+27 (0) 12 346 3985 info@cbe.org.za 2nd Floor, Lourie Place, Hillcrest Mon - Thurs: 08H00 - 16H30 / 08H00 - 16H00 Fri

Young woman making a mark in the construction industry

Being a woman in a built environment is no walk in the park, especially for a young black professional. At 30, Abongile Mntu Mketsu, director for infrastructure procurement at the Department of Transport, is already curving her path in the male-dominated industry. “Industry conditions are…

The role played by women in building for the future

The month of September, celebrated in our country as Heritage Month, provides us with an opportunity to shed light on the significant role that women have played in shaping our built environment, their invaluable contributions to nation-building and the development of a democratic society. As…

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