From (left to right): Prof Akinola Ikudayisi, Mr Zamile Mpeta, Prof Rushiela Nolundi Songca (Vice Chancellor – WSU), Dr Msizi Myeza (CEO – CBE) , Prof Didibhuku Wellington Thwala, Ms Tabisa Mtati and Mr Samuel Frimpong

The Council for the Built Environment (CBE), in collaboration with the Walter Sisulu University (WSU), hosted a two-day Sustainability Seminar from 30 September to 1 October 2024 at the Premier Hotel ICC in East London, Eastern Cape.

This is the second Sustainability seminar hosted by the CBE, and the theme for this year’s seminar was “A Mirror to the Past, Present, and Future of Sustainability in the Eastern Cape.” The seminar highlighted the critical need to evaluate the province’s progress on sustainable development while mapping out a resilient and climate-adaptive future.

“Collaboration is key. The mirror of our past shows how far we’ve come, but the reflection of our future highlights the challenges ahead. I hope the resolutions from this seminar pave the way for resilient solutions and a strong foundation for the upcoming Built Environment Climate Change Indaba,” said Professor Rushiella Songca, Vice Chancellor at WSU, in her opening remarks.

The CBE theme is embedded in section 24(b) of the South African constitution: “Everyone has the right to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that prevent pollution and ecological degradation [and] promote conservation.”

The Eastern Cape province, one of South Africa’s most vulnerable provinces, is increasingly impacted by climate-related disasters such as droughts, floods, and extreme weather events. These disasters disproportionately affect the region’s rural and vulnerable communities, exacerbating poverty, unemployment, and access to infrastructure. The principles of sustainability emphasize the need for long-term resilience, resource efficiency, and equity.

The featured presentations from various stakeholders included Eastern Cape – Public Works and Infrastructure (ECDPWI), South African Local Government Association (SALGA), South African Council for Project & Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP), Agrement SA, and the Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA). The presentations shed light on various solutions for building resilience, fostering collaboration, and finding sustainable solutions to mitigate climate impacts.

The program also included a panel discussion on the issues raised during day 1 presentations to obtain resolutions on a way forward in addressing the context-specific challenges experienced in the province of the Eastern Cape; to see what can be done and what partnerships can be established for enhancing the outlook of the province and its communities. The following topics were covered:

  1. Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Development
  2. Sustainable Water Management in a Changing Climate
  3. Renewable Energy as a Catalyst for Sustainable Development
  4. Sustainable Building Materials and Construction Practices
  5. Policy and Governance for Sustainable Infrastructure

The outcomes of the seminar will be instrumental in shaping discussions at the upcoming 2nd  Built Environment Climate Change Indaba, which will take place in November. The solutions proposed during the seminar will feed into the national dialogue on climate resilience, decarbonization, and sustainable infrastructure planning.

Dr. Msizi Myeza, CEO of CBE, stated: “When we started a conversation about climate change, there were questions about whether this aligned with the CBE’s mandate. Legally, it’s clear—we have a responsibility in the climate conversation as the country looks towards the built environment for infrastructure that is resilient to natural disasters. We aim to contribute to the long-term transition towards a just and resilient South Africa. The seminar presents us with an opportunity to co-create solutions that will help mitigate the impact of climate change. As we build up to the Built Environment Climate Change Indaba to be held in Mandeni Local Municipality, the conversations and resolutions from this seminar will be crucial.”



Issued by:

Dr Msizi Myeza

Chief Executive Officer

Council for the Built Environment

Tel: 012 346 3985



Ms Nosizwe Mokoena

Strategic Support and Engagement Specialist

Mobile: 078 415 9211



Ms Sinah Ndala

Communication Associate
