+27 (0) 12 346 3985 info@cbe.org.za 2nd Floor, Lourie Place, Hillcrest Mon - Thurs: 08H00 - 16H30 / 08H00 - 16H00 Fri

Research and Knowledge Management

The CBE Act mandates the CBE to advise Government on any matter that falls within the Built Environment, as well as to create platforms for engagements. The CBE and CBEP have a role to play in proactively identifying, investigating, and explaining trends and changes that are likely to have an impact on the Built Environment Professions and Professionals. Working with the six CBEP, the CBE will secure Built Environment experts as needed to help policy and decision-makers to propose, develop, and implement appropriate policies, procedures, and processes for long-term solutions that will improve public safety, reliability, and the value of public infrastructure. This information will be communicated to the regulators on an ongoing basis to input on their own decision-making and direction setting.

The Outputs for the Research and Advisory Programme are to:
  1. Develop the CBE’s Research Agenda
  2. Establish a functional Built Environment Research Hub
  3. Develop advisory briefs and submit these to relevant stakeholders
  4. Report on stakeholder engagement platforms
  5. Publish articles in accredited journals

Click to access Research Briefs

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