+27 (0) 12 346 3985 info@cbe.org.za 2nd Floor, Lourie Place, Hillcrest Mon - Thurs: 08H00 - 16H30 / 08H00 - 16H00 Fri

Appeal Form


    * All fields on this form are required.

    The following documents must be submitted with the Notice of Appeal. These must be clearly labelled as per Annexure alphabet below for each document.

    Max filesize: 3MB

    A copy of the decision of the CBEP that is the subject of the appeal. Click here to download the template.

    A comprehensive statement outlining material facts (in sequence) which led to the decision (Please number the pages of this Annexure correctly viz. Annexure B, Page 1; Annexure B, Page 2 etc). Click here to download the template.

    A comprehensive statement detailing the incorrectness of the decision. (Please number the pages of this Annexure correctly viz. Annexure C, Page 1; Annexure C, Page 2 etc.)

    A statement outlining the remedial action you expect or seek in resolving your appeal

    The following documents must be submitted with the Notice to Oppose. These must be clearly labelled as per the Annexure alphabet below for each document.

    Response to Appellant’s concise statement of the material facts, in chronological order, which led to the decision (Please number the pages of this Annexure correctly viz. Annexure E, Page 1; Annexure E, Page 2 etc.)

    Response to Appellant’s concise statement of the material facts, in chronological order, which led to the decision (Please number the pages of this Annexure correctly viz. Annexure F, Page 1; Annexure F, Page 2 etc.)

    I accept that all information and documents attached above are correct

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