+27 (0) 12 346 3985 info@cbe.org.za 2nd Floor, Lourie Place, Hillcrest Mon - Thurs: 08H00 - 16H30 / 08H00 - 16H00 Fri

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The Built Environment National Logbook is a means of a comprehensive and centrally located electronic database that tracks and monitor built environment professionals, candidates and artisans and provides accurate statistical data on a continuous basis to government and the industry.

Executive Management

About CBE

The Council for the Built Environment (CBE) is a Schedule 3A Public Entity that reports to the National Department of Public Works and Infrastructure. It is a regulatory body established under the Council for the Built Environment Act (No. 43 of 2000) (the CBE Act).

 The CBE was established for the purpose of instilling good conduct   within built environment professions, mobilising transformation in  the built environment professions, protecting the interest of the public  and advising the South African Government on Built Environment related issues.


The CBE delivers its mandates through the following programmes:

The purpose of this Programme is to ensure that the CBE is in the best shape to achieve goals set out in the Strategic Plan. In its efforts to become an Optimum Functioning Council, the CBE will focus on the following initiatives:

  1. Business Value Re-engineering to make the CBE fit-for-purpose
  2. Marketing and Awareness campaigns to make the public aware of the CBE and its services
  3. Develop a Revenue Enhancement Strategy towards long-term financial sustainability
  4. Align IT systems to the CBE strategy, Internet of Things and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The functions of the Programme are housed in the Divisions:

  1. The Office of the CEO – Stakeholder Relations, Communications, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
  2. Corporate Services – Finance, Human Capital and Facilities Management, Supply Chain Management, Internal Audit, Risk Management

Transforming the Built Environment to create more opportunities for women, youth and people with disabilities will contribute to the National Priorities of the President and the NDP 2030. Hence the core focus areas of this Programme are to:

  • Support women-owned professional practices in the delivery and maintenance of Built Environment infrastructure
  • Promote the empowerment of people with disabilities in the Built Environment
  • Promote youth involvement and development in the Built Environment

The aim is to work with the Built Environment sector to build a greater understanding of local demand and supply and take action to address shortfalls in capacity. The Programme focuses on:

  • Assisting workplaces in implementing the Structured Candidacy Programme
  • Placing Built Environment students from Universities of Technology for work integrated learning to assist them to complete their qualifications and register as candidates
  • Establishing approved reskilling programmes for BE professionals and candidates appointed by the State

The purpose of this Programme is to coordinate research outputs, provide advice and facilitate knowledge management on Built Environment matters, including the professions.

This Programme will focus on establishing a repository of research outputs, publications and policy advisory on issues impacting the Built Environment.

The purpose of this Programme is to provide an enterprise-wide legal service to all areas of the CBE business, to promote sound governance in the Built Environment professions and protect the public in its dealings with registered persons and the CBEP.

This Programme will enable the CBE to implement the following of its mandates:

  1. Promote and protect public interest in the Built Environment through:
  2. Hear and decide on appeals lodged with the CBE within the statutory deadline
  3. Monitor and promote compliance by the CBEP with Corporate Governance principles

Empowerment and Economic Development

Professional Skills and Capacity Development

Research and Knowledge Management

Public Protection, Policy and Legislation



All service providers who wish to conduct business with the CBE by rendering goods/services are required to comply with National Treasury’s mandatory requirement of being registered on Government’s Central Supplier Database (CSD).

Suppliers wishing to register can visit the CSD Website.

Please note that the CBE will not award any quotation/bid to a supplier who is not registered as a prospective supplier on the CSD. Hence, it is the service provider’s responsibility to ensure that registration is completed correctly and timeously.


Annual Performance Plans

The CBE's annual performance plan includes information relating to the strategic overview, programme objectives and technical indicators.

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Strategic Plans

The CBE's annual performance plan includes information relating to the strategic overview, programme objectives and technical indicators.

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Annual and Quarterly Reports

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The CBE produces various research publications on built environment issues including issues impacting on service delivery and the economy. The main focus of undertaking research is to enable the CBE to advise government on any matters falling within the scope of the built environment.

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The built environment comprises buildings, spaces and products that are created or modified by people. This includes homes, schools, workplaces, parks or recreation areas, greenways, business areas and transportation systems.

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Legal Notices

Stay up to date on Built Environment Legal Notices.

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ACT - To provide for the establishment of a juristic person to be known as the Council for the Built Environment; to provide for the composition, functions, powers, assets, rights, duties and financing of such a council; and to provide for matters connected therewith.

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Annual Plans
Strategic Plans
Legal Notices

News & Events

Latest News

CBE embarks on a Back-to-School Campaign

The Council for the Built Environment (CBE) is excited to announce our Back-to-School Campaign, under the theme “Education is a Basic Right.” The theme underscores CBE’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in the sector by encouraging more young learners to pursue mathematics and science subjects….

Media Releases


BERA driving best practice in the built environment

The Council for the Built Environment (CBE) and the Construction Education and Training Authority (CETA) hosted the second Built Environment Recognition Awards (BERA) in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. This prestigious event, themed “Road to professional registration”, underscores the ongoing efforts to promote career advancement and transformation within…

Municipalities enter the climate crisis chat at built environment indaba

The Built Environment Climate Change Indaba (BECCI), held in Mandeni, KwaZulu-Natal, has amplified urgent calls for climate-resilient infrastructure development, particularly in regions hardest hit by natural disasters. Deputy Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, Sihle Zikalala, highlighted the critical need for innovative construction solutions during…

Zikalala calls for innovative construction solutions to respond to climate change

Public Works and Infrastructure Deputy Minister Sihle Zikalala has invited the built environment industry to introduce innovative construction solutions to ensure that infrastructure being built in South Africa responds to the reality of climate change. “All our infrastructure planning and construction must have climate change in mind,” he asserted during the opening of the CBE Built Environment Climate Change Indaba, in KwaZulu-Natal. read more here: https://www.engineeringnews.co.za/article/zikalala-calls-for-innovative-construction-solutions-to-respond-to-climate-change-2024-11-07






Interested in joining the CBE family? Click the button below to see all the vacancies we have available.

CBE Office

2nd Floor, Lourie Place,

Hillcrest Office Park,

179 Lunnon Road, Hillcrest,

Pretoria, 0083

012 346 3985

Office Hours

Mon to Thurs - 08:00 to 16:30
Fri - 08:00 to 16:00

Fraud Line

0800 284 536

0860 004 004




Free Post

BNT165, Brooklyn Square 0075


Ms. Meltonia Chiloane

Legal Compliance Specialist

012 346 3985


Ms Meltonia Chiloane

Legal Compliance Specialist

012 346 3985


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While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided on this website is correct, complete, and up to date.

Although the CBE website may include links providing direct access to other Internet resources, including websites, the CBE is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these sites.

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